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Připravili jsme pro Vás přehled výhod SMS marketingu, které by měl znát každý e-commerce hráč.
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But every existing customer can become a long-term client, with significantly lower costs than attracting a new one. Furthermore, repeat customers bring higher average order value compared to first-time customers. You can achieve that goal with!
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There are many scoring segmentation models and one of the most popular is the RFM. This model is nothing more than assessing points in three categories–Recency, Frequency, and Monetary.
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With proper use of big data and advanced analysis, you can properly understand your customers, respond to their needs in real-time, and forecast their future behavior. It’s time for you to use the data you have gathered to put customer experience on a completely different level. 
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Find out about's new flow campaigns with our UX designer Viktor
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Learn why combination of powerful analytical model and advanced AI algorithms works the best for personalization of your website and other marketing materials
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